Software development is hard. Understanding requirements, keeping up with evolving scope, and getting everyone on the same page is difficult enough without developers adding self-inflicted wounds.
We’ve leveraged a number of patterns that can help get to that initial release product quickly but doesn’t box us into a design that has to be scrapped when volume exceeds expectation.
Seems like everyone is writing microservices these days and that might be a good thing, if they solve the problems they are intended to solve.
A problem that I’ve noticed with us developers is that sometimes we hear some techie and cool sounding trivia – you know, like “the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain,” take it as fact, and integrate that fact into our daily dev lives.
I was onsite at a client site today when they experienced an issue with one of their systems. No problem, check the logs, and get them back online. Turns out that there wasn’t much helpful information in the logs as they decided to implement a terrible exception handling “standard.”
We’ve been using Massive for a few years now and have been very pleased with it. If you don’t know, Massive is a micro ORM that makes use of C#’s dynamic data type. Well, we stumbled across a bug the other day that had us scratching our heads for a while.